Draw basic entity relationship diagram

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13334965

Basic Entity Relationship Diagram

Colleges and universities must draw a clear connection between the requirements of the field for which the student is being prepared and the things required of the student as part of that preparation process. That connection must be tracked through four steps:

1. The knowledge base of the field;
2. The program goals for the degree or certificate being sought;
3. Thelearning outcomes for each course offered in that degree or certificate program; and
4. The assignments included in each course.

It would be very beneficial to have a database to support the required tracking. For this assignment you need to:
1. List the entities that would be necessary to model such a database.
2. Identify for each entity the necessary attributes.
3. Develop an Entity-Relationship Diagram that models the database.
4. You may hand-draw and scan your ERD, create the ERD in Word, PowerPoint, or Access, or use a dedicated ERD creation program such as E/R Assistant, available for download at:



Reference no: EM13334965

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