Draw and notate a construction detail - plastics

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Reference no: EM131008775 , Length:

The assignment is on the topic "Plastics".

Kindly be very careful about plagiarism and referencing as it should be from BCA Vol2 and associated standards.


A residential building is constructed from a multitude of different materials and building components. It is imperative that a designer / builder / manager has a solid knowledge base regarding ‘all of the bits and pieces' that form a building in order to not only understand it's overall construction methods, but also the construction sequence and planning.

As the subject is so vast, the task of completing Assignment 1 will be shared amongst your classmates. Students will be divided into 4 Teams.

Each student will be assigned a topic (as shown below), and must complete it as an individual submission. Once each topic has been submitted from each student, it will be combined as a CONSTRUCTION REFERENCE BOOK for your Team to share. Furthermore, books from each team will be available through Moodle as a
.pdf document for downloading.

Learning Outcomes:

- Understand the interrelationships, behaviour and function of building components in residential buildings
- Describe different residential construction systems.
- Sketch typical construction details free hand or preferably via an elementary CAD package.
- Identify and locate appropriate building services


Choose one Topic from the list below and provide a:

1 WRITTEN REPORT: Research the following aspects of the material/product that you have selected. Specifically, you are to research:
• The material's raw materials, characteristics and properties.
• What the material/product is used for within the building.
• How is the material / product sold (ie: roll, sheet, sizes etc).
• How is the material / product stored and handled during delivery and the building construction process.
• Discover new and inspiring materials / products within the building industry.
• Reference the BCA Vol 2, and associated Standards where applicable.

2 DETAILED DRAWING: Draw and notate a ‘Construction Detail' though part of a building that relates to your topic. Include any necessary building tolerances and include references to the BCA Vol 2, and applicable Australian Standards.

3 MSDS / SDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). Provide copies of the MSD/SD Sheets for materials / products within your topic. Identify any Hazardous and Dangerous materials, including first-aid measures, fire-fighting measures, accidental release measures, handling and storage, exposure controls/personal protection and any special transport information where applicable.

Reference no: EM131008775

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