Draw an entity access matrix for the given case study

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Reference no: EM132794


(a) Draw a Level 1 Data Flow Diagram for the given Case Study

(b) Cross validate the DFD with the event model and data models given. (Tip: Identify events which are contained in the processes and identify entities contained in the data stores)


(a) Draw an Entity Relationship Diagram for the given case study. Show entities and relationships on the diagram (attributes need not be shown)

(b) Describe a redundancy in the given data model. Explain how the information can be obtained in a different way (exclude redundancies which are foreign keys used to implement relationships)

(c) Discuss the merits of not including the price of the item in Entity 5 Order Line

(d) The current case assumes that only one table is allocated to a reservation. Modify the data model to allow for many tables to be allocated to a reservation


(a) Draw an Entity Access Matrix for the given case study

(b) Give an example of an entity which seems to have an incomplete life history. Justify your answer

(c) Document ONE new event which might complete the life of the entity mentioned above. Specify what effect the event has on the specific entity mentioned

(d) Give an example of an event which seems to be outside the scope of the system. Justify your answer

(e) Draw an Entity Life History for the Entity E1 Customer

(f) Draw an Effect Correspondence Diagram for the event EV3 New Reservation Processing

Reference no: EM132794

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