Draw an e-r diagram for situations

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13695844

Can you prepare E-R Diagrams for the given questions?

Question: Draw an E-R Diagram for each of the following two situations. (If you believe that you need to make additional assumptions, clearly state them for each situation.) Draw each of the subsequent 2 situations using the tools you have studied in chapter 2.

Scenario 1: A company has a number of employees. The attributes of EMPLOYEE include Employee ID (identifier), Name, Address, and Birthdate. The company also has several projects. Attributes of PROJECT include Project ID (identifier), Project Name, and Start Date. Each employee may be assigned to one or more projects or may not be assigned to a project. A project must have at least one employee assigned and may have any number of employees assigned. An employee's billing rate may vary by project and the company wishes to record the applicable billing rate (Billing Rate) for each employee when assigned to a particular project.

Scenario 2: A book is identified by its ISBN number, and it has a title, a price and a date of publication. It is published by a publisher, which has its own ID NUMBER and a name. Each book has exactly one publisher, but one publisher typically publishes multiple books over time. A book is written by one or multiple authors. Each author is identified by an author number and has a name and date of birth.

Each author has either one or multiple books. For this Scenario, you must create the identifiers for the attributes listed. Make sure to use the guidelines for creating good identifier names.

Can someone provide the answer with reference to software engineering?

Reference no: EM13695844

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