Draw an appropriate er diagram

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131155965


- To develop a conceptual data model diagram
- To perform logical design

Assignment Specification

In this assignment, youneed to perform the followingtasks for the given case study:
- Draw an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram
- Perform logical design
- Create3NF Relations

Case Study
The CQ-Council (hereafter called as council) posts a full page advertisement, in local newspapers once a month, displaying all the Development Plan applications (here after called as application) that have been received during the previous month from the developers/ owners of the plots under the council's purview.

General public members are allowed to raise objections against the applications that appear on those advertisements within a certain period of time, such as two weeks from the date of the advertisement. The council maintains the details of those objections and the respective application details. The council maintains all such objections even if they are from an anonymous member of the public.
The council also maintains detailed records of the following:
- suburban areas in the council
- lots in each suburban area
- subdivision/merger plans
- plots and owners

For your information, the council designates some of its suburban areas for recreation, community, commercial, residential, etc. Some parts of the land, in each suburban area, are allocated for approach road and street facilities. The remaining land in a suburban area is further divided into land parcels (here after called as lots). Each of such lots has a unique lot number and details of at least three boundaries and at most four boundaries.

Generally speaking, only one building is allowed to exist in one lot. A developer, on behalf of the owner(s) of a lot, or an owner-developer of a lot (both of them are here after called as applicant) can submit an application to the council. The applications will be received for commercial and residential area only. Occasionally, the applicants can apply for merger of lots or subdivision of lots to create new land parcels. The details related to mergers and sub divisions of lots have not been provided here as they are not covered in the proposed information system.

If the application is complying with the council's developmental policies then the council officers issue a clearance tag to that application. Rejection letters are issued for the remaining non-compliant applications. Subsequently, they also verify the objections raised by the public on those clearance-tag-applications and discard all the irrelevant objections which are not in line with the council's developmental policy. If a clearance-tag-application is still left with the objections which are in line with the council's policy then that application is rejected and a rejection letter is issued accordingly. Thus an application is considered to be a successful application if it has received the clearance tag from the council and does not have any relevant objection from the public. All the other applications are considered to be unsuccessful applications. Each successful application will be given a unique clearance number and the date of its clearance is recorded.

The purpose of an application can be for any of the following:
- extension of the existing building
- demolition of existing building and/or construction of a new building
- tree removal
- subdivision of a lot/merger of lots

The council requires that each of the tree removal application must contain the number of trees to be removed from the relevant lot. Even though the applicable council charges for various purposes may change over a period of time, you can assume that they are fixed charges in the proposed information system. At the time of lodging an application, the applicant has to pay the total charges of the application to the council.

For each of the successful development applications, the council inspectors may perform many site-inspections such as tree-removal, building foundation, building occupancy, etc., and record their date of visit and approval/non-compliance details if any. Only one council inspector is involved in each inspection and it is needless to say that only appropriate inspections are conducted for appropriate purposes. Based on the inspection reports submitted by its inspectors, the council will issue building occupancy certificate and tree removal permission to the respective applicants.
Assignment Requirements

You are expected to create an information system to cater the above information needs of the council. In this assignment, conceptual and logical design phases of the development of that information system have to be carried out.The attributes for various entities have not been purposely described in the case study so that the students are encouraged to further research and list the pertinent attributes in addition to the required identifier for each and every entity in their ERD.

1 Draw an appropriate ER diagram
Use the symbols as prescribed in your course-textbook to draw the ER diagram (ERD) for the above case study.
Your ERDmust
- show all necessary entities, attributes andrelationships
- show identifiers/identifying attributes as necessary
- show multi-valued attributes, ifany
- show participation andcardinality
- show associative entities, ifappropriate
- show weak entities, if any
- use the notation described in the settext
- use consistent and appropriate naming for entities and attributes as specified in the course text book

Reference no: EM131155965

Questions Cloud

Perform the energy and entropy balances : The precooler uses cold vapor from the separator as the cooling medium; this vapor leaves the precooler at 20 °C (stream). Perform the energy and entropy balances on the basis of 1 kg/s of liquid nitrogen produced.
Estimate the maximum coefficient of performance : Design a vapor compression cycle using ammonia as the refrigerant that will be used to maintain the temperature of a stream at - 20 °C. The evaporator is air cooled and the ambient temperature may be assumed to be 25 °C. Assume a compressor effici..
Determine which method is thermodynamically more efficient : In the process of Example 6.2, the flow rte of streams 1′ and 2′ is made very high, while the state of streams 1, 2, and 1′ are the same as in the previous example. Repeat the calculation of entropy generation for these new conditions.
Calculate the entropy of propane at its critical point : A member of our engineering team objects that the reference state is not valid because a substance is not ideal at the critical point. What is your response?
Draw an appropriate er diagram : Draw an appropriate ER diagram - Use the symbols as prescribed in your course-textbook to draw the ER diagram (ERD) for the above case study.
Are they able to climb in and out of a tub : Dressing. Are there any difficulties with gross movements such as pulling on clothes, or fine motor movements, such as buttoning, or tying shoes? With reaching over the head, such as when brushing the hair?
Calculate the following properties of isobutane : The ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity may be taken to be constant and equal to 96.5 J/mol K.
Calculate the entropy change of propane : Additional data: Use the Lee-Kesler graphs for enthalpy and entropy. The saturation pressure of propane at -51.4 °C is 0.66 bar. Take the ideal-gas CP of propane at these conditions to be constant and equal to 67 J/mole K.
Reference to relevant legal authority : You are required to support your answer by reference to relevant legal authority


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