Draw a use case diagram with all use case relationships

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131940639

Fundamentals of Software Development Assignment: Best Real Estate Agency

System background - Best Real Estate Agency is an all-Australian, family business and has been since the beginning. It is owned and managed by two generations of the same family. Our agents are experienced local property experts who know the local property market, and know and love their community. It's our local expertise and our way of dealing with clients that brings people back to Best Real Estate Agency. We're simply the experts in the art of real estate. When you choose Best Real Estate Agency Australia, you're not just choosing one agent. You're choosing a network of thousands, all working together to connect buyers with sellers.

Deadlines and deliverables - The items to hand in, the date to hand them in, and the marks for each part, are shown below. The estimated workload for all parts, for each person on the team, is about 36-54 hours. The actual workload may vary by a factor of three due to individual variation.

1. Use Case Model

Identify all the use cases mentioned in the system description and draw a use case diagram, with all use case relationships. It has an expected workload of 8 hours for each group member. There can be approximately 10-20 use cases selected from this system description.

2. Use Case Descriptions

Describe 3 use cases using the format described in the lecture notes, showing all details for each use case; describe any included or extended tasks that are required by the stated use cases. It has an expected workload of 3-4 hours for each group member. Each use case should require at most 3 pages of text, and some may take less than one page.

3. Class Diagram

Design a design class diagram which shows, for each class in the system, the class name and attributes, plus the class associations, multiplicities and operations. Include any inheritance, composition or aggregation relations. It has an expected workload of 15 hours for each group member.

4. Sequence Diagram

Draw 3 sequence diagram which show all messages (method calls) between classes, including any parameters, and any value returned from a method call. It shows object selection, iteration, and object creation and / or destruction. It has an expected workload of 5 hours for each group member.

5. Java Code

Write Java code for 3 methods of any one class or different classes in the class diagram. It has an expected workload of 10 hours for each group member.

6. User Interface Design

Each group has to design user interface for three methods' data input and output. The design consists of a set of screen layouts that define the data input to and displayed on each screen. It has an expected workload of 5 hour for each group member.

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Reference no: EM131940639

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4/13/2018 5:23:33 AM

Student's Comment - only week 5 assignment to be done 4.1 Week 5, 13 April (10 marks) Use Case Model (Objectives 1 to 6) and 4.2 Week 5, 13 April (5 marks) Use Case Descriptions (Objectives 1 to 6). Minimum Requirements - In order to pass the assignment, each student must get more than 50% of the total assignment mark.


4/13/2018 5:23:28 AM

The assignment is done in groups of three. When you hand in the final part of the assignment, you must rate each member of the group on how much that person has contributed to the overall mark; the form is included at the end of this document. The contribution of each team member is written on the form, and each person signs the form. The individual mark is the team mark weighted by the individual contribution. You must fill in and sign the form; if you do not, then your assignment mark will be zero. Any group experiencing problems that cannot be resolved within the group should contact the Subject Coordinator as soon as possible. In extreme cases, the Subject Coordinator may withdraw a problem student from a group. That student must then find another group, or work alone. No complaints will be heard after the submission date.


4/13/2018 5:23:23 AM

Assignment Submission and Return - You build a system specification by delivering seven documents, where each document builds on the previous one; the timing and deliverables are described in section 4. For each part submit a soft copy (word or pdf format) of the assignment on UTSOnline. The assignments will be marked approx. in two weeks’ time. No late submission is accepted. Failure to submit assignment on time will result in penalty (10% of marks obtained will be deducted per day).

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