Draw a two way anova design plot

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM1390609

Read the paper, Significance of gender and age in African American children's response to parental victimization. Then complete the following questions.

1. What is the research question? What are the independent and dependent variables, and decide their types.

2. Is it important to know the review board approval to conduct this research was obtained?

Do you think we should have a review board approval to conduct our last class experiment (Coke vs. Pepsi)? Why or why not?

3. The researchers state that they used a "convenience sample". How you understand the sampling method and what do you think will affect the conclusion. What suggestion you can make to improve the experiment design?

4. In your opinion, does the use of a control group make this study an experiment study?  Note: an experiment study controls variables to a much larger degree than an observational study.

5. The researchers use a three way ANOVA to analyze internalizing and externalizing score. Do they discuss the interaction effect?

Draw a two way ANOVA design plot (the mean plot you draw in class) to discuss whether there seems to be any interaction effects of gender and age.

For example, the following tables is taken from table 1 in the paper and lists means of

External and internal scores for the exposure group.

Exposure group, internal score means

age group

6 to 8 years old

9-12 years old









Exposure group, external score means

age group

6 to 8 years old

9-12 years old








Does the two way ANVOA mean plot suggest interaction for the exposure group? Describe why you think there could be or could not be interaction effects.

Download:- African American children.pdf

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Reference no: EM1390609

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