Draw a three-d emoji smiley face

Assignment Help Computer Graphics
Reference no: EM131028764

Lab: Computer Graphics

Homework: Transformation and 3D

Everyone should work independently and turn in their own code for this assignment.

In this assignment, you have to draw a 3D graph.

Draw a 3D emoji (smiley face) and apply the following points:

• The emoji should consist of five 3D objects (at least three of them are different). See the examples below.
• The emoji should move one step to left, right, up, down, far, and rear(back) each time you press '1', 'r', 'u', 'd', 'f, and 11,' keyboard keys respectively.
• Also, the program has a menu with the following items:

1. "Rotate" to rotate the emoji around Y axis by 45 degrees.
2. "Exit" to terminate the program.

Reference no: EM131028764

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