Draw a swimlane diagram for that process

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Reference no: EM132491156

MIS604 Requirement Engineering Assignment - Laureate International Universities, Australia

Task Instructions: You, as a group, should first read and understand the ABC Pty Ltd case before proceeding to answer the questions in Assessment Tasks section. Note that every piece of information provided in the following case serves a purpose.

Assessment tasks - As a group, document a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for the proposed app. Your submission must, as a minimum, contain the following:

Title page: Subject code and name, assessment number, report title, assessment due date, word count (actual), student names, student IDs, Torrens email address, campus learning facilitator, and Subject coordinator.

Table of Contents (ToC): should list the report topics using decimal notation. Need to include the main headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers, using a format that makes the hierarchy of topics clear. Because you are including a ToC the report pages should be numbered in the footer as follows: title page has no page number; and main text to have Arabic numerals commencing at 1. Create the ToC using MS Word's ToC auto-generator rather than manually typing out the ToC.

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Document conventions

1.3 Project Scope

2. Overall description

2.1 Product perspective

2.2 User classes and characteristics

2.3 Operating environment

2.4 Design and implementation constraints

2.5 Assumptions and dependencies

3. System features

3.1 Use case diagram. Note you will need to make a decision as to whether a "flat" use case diagram should be included, or a hierarchical organisation of use case diagrams should be included.

3.2 Specification for selected use cases. Select n use case where n equals the number of students in your group. Document a detailed specification for the selected use case. The Use case must include the following elements as a minimum.

3.3 Swimlane diagram. Choose a process in the proposed app. Draw a Swimlane diagram for that process.

3.4 State-transition diagram. Draw a state-transition diagram for a customer job request in the proposed app. A job request is referring to a request initiated by the customer, e.g. "fix water tap leak". Examine the various states such a request may be moved through.

3.5 Dialog map. Choose a use case other than the ones in 3.2. Draw a dialog map for that use case.

4. Data requirement

4.1 Logical data model. Include an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for the proposed app. ERD is taught in MIS602.

4.2 Data dictionary

5. External interface requirements

5.1 User interfaces. Including:

5.1.1. References to user interface standards or product line style guides that are to be followed

5.1.2. Standards for fonts, icons, button labels, images, colour schemes, field tabbing sequences, commonly used controls, branding graphics, copyright and privacy notices, and the like

5.1.3. Screen size, layout, or resolution constraints

5.1.4. Standard buttons, functions, or navigation links that will appear on every screen, such as a help button

5.1.5. Shortcut keys

5.1.6. Message display and phrasing conventions

5.1.7. Data validation guidelines (such as input value restrictions and when to validate field contents)

5.1.8. Layout standards to facilitate software localization

5.1.9. Accommodations for users who are visually impaired, colour blind, or have other limitations

5.2 Software interfaces

5.3 Hardware interfaces

6. Quality attributes

6.1 Usability

6.2 Performance

6.3 Security

6.X [any other quality attributes, e.g. reliability, you deem relevant]

7. Other requirements

8. Reference list

9. Appendices if necessary

Note - MSVisio or other professional diagramming tools. All UML diagrams must be drawn with MSVisio or other equivalent professional diagramming tools. Hand-drawn diagrams are not accepted. MSPaint is not regarded as a professional diagramming tool and is therefore not accepted.

Attachment:- Requirement Engineering Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132491156

Questions Cloud

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How family violence is portrayed in the media : Discuss the reflection of how family violence (including domestic violence and child abuse) is portrayed in the media and provide the example.
Calculate expected rate of return and standard deviation : Calculate the expected rate of return and standard deviation for each investment.
Discuss underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities : Discuss the Underrepresentation of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in Legal Occupations. Show current data on Racial Percentages of Work-Age Population Over Time
Draw a swimlane diagram for that process : understand the ABC Pty Ltd case - should list the report topics using decimal notation. Need to include the main headings and subheadings with corresponding
Document a software requirement specification : Document a Software Requirement Specification for the proposed app. Your submission must, as a minimum, contain the following:
What level of blooms taxonomy were the worksheets : Describe the learning theories you think Professor Provoker utilized in her lesson. Explain whether or not they were appropriate theories.
Explain the key elements of project management : You are a project manager for a large hospitality firm (e.g., Marriott International) who will be in charge of the firm's HQ office relocation.
What is the rate of return on investment : You purchase 100 shares of stock for $25 a share. The stock pays a $1 per share dividend at year-end.


Write a Review

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