Draw a sketch of the user interface

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13759940

Part 1

1. When designing a user interface, the most important information should be placed in the corner of the interface.
a. lower-left
b. lower-right
c. upper-left
d. upper-right

2. A button's caption should be entered using

a. book title capitalization

b. sentence capitalization

c. either book title capitalization or sentence capitalization

3. Which of the following statements is false?

a. The text contained in identifying labels should be left-aligned within the label.

b: An identifying label should be positioned either above or to the right of the control it identifies.

c. Identifying labels should be entered using sentence capitalization.

d. Identifying labels should end with a colon (:).

4. Listed below are the four steps you should follow when planning an 00 application. Put the steps in the proper order by placing a number (1 through 4) on the line to the left of the step.

Identify the objects to which you will assign the tasks
Draw a sketch of the user interface
Identify the tasks the application needs to perform
Identify the events required to trigger an object into
performing its assigned tasks

5. Listed below are the six steps you should follow when creating an 00 application.
NZ the steps in the proper order by placing a number (1 through 6) on the line to the left of the step.

Test and debug the application
Build the user interface
Code the application
Assemble the documentation
Plan the application
Meet with the client

Part 2

1. Which of the following assignment statements will not calculate correctly?

a. 1 bl Total . Text • Val (txtSal esl . Text) + Val (txtSal es2.Text)
b. 1b1Total .Text • 4 - Val (txtSal estText)
c. 1b1Total . Text • Val (txtQuanti ty . Text + 3)
d. All of the above assignment statements will calculate correctly.

2. The function temporarily converts a string to a number: and then returns the number.

a. Format
b. FormatNumber
c. StringToNumber
d. Val

3. Which symbol is used in a flowchart to represent an output task?

a. circle
b. oval
c. parallelogram
d. rectangle

4. What value is assigned to the INNum control when the lblNum.Text • 99\25 instruction is processed by the computer?

5. What value is assigned to the IblNum control when the lblNum.Text • 99 Mod 25 instruction is processed by the computer?

Reference no: EM13759940

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