Draw a single erd and identify primary and foreign keys

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131031966

The following form provides course requirements for BS in MIS

PROGRAM CHECKLIST - B.S. in Management Information Systems


Name:                                                              Student ID Number:                                   Semester:


Degree Requirements

UB Course





University Requirements                 

Note: This course is only required of UB freshmen.

Seminar - Applied Learning & Study Skills

IDIS 101




Lower Division Gen Ed Requirements    (22)     

English Composition

WRIT 101









History or Philosophy





Fine Arts





Social Science 1 (Other than ECON)





Biological & Physical Science 1





Biological & Physical Science 2 (1 with lab)





Upper Division Gen Ed Requirements     (6)   

Ethical Issues in Business and Society

IDIS 302




Advanced Expository Writing (by 2nd semester )

WRIT 300





Lower-Division Core Requirements (27)

Introduction to Financial Accounting

ACCT 201




Business Law I

BULA 151




Oral Communications

CMAT 201/303*




The Economic Way of Thinking

ECON 200*




Introduction to Programming Language

INSS 209**




Struct. Programming Using Procedural Lang.

INSS 225**




College Algebra

MATH 111*




Introduction to Business Statistics

OPRE 201




Statistical Data Analysis

OPRE 202




Upper-Division Core Requirements (24)

Management Information Systems

INSS 300*




Management & Organizational Behavior

MGMT 301




Human Resource Management

MGMT 315




Business Application of Decision Science

OPRE 315




Business Core Electives - Choose four of the following courses: ECON 305, ENTR 300, FIN 331, MGMT 302, MGMT 339, or MKTG 301






















Information Technology

INSS 315




Program Design & Data Structure

INSS 327




Systems Analysis & Logical Design

INSS 406




Design of Database Management Systems

INSS 421




Business Data Communications

INSS 427




Component-Oriented Programming

INSS 460




MIS Capstone Project

INSS 490




Approved INSS Elective (see current catalog)





Approved INSS Elective (see current catalog)





Approved INSS Elective (see current catalog)





Electives - Number of electives may vary and will be determined at initial advising meeting. ( 9 -12cr total degree)






Total Transfer Credits:

Total Credits Required:

Total Credits Earned:

Minimum of 120 credits

* These courses also satisfy the following general education requirements: Math, Computer Literacy, Oral Communications, and one Social Science, as well as UB's Information Literacy requirement.

**These courses may be replaced by 6 credit hours of programming language approved by the Merrick Advising Center.

ignore the *'s
Ignore the rules

a. Using above BS in MIS degree requirements, perform the following
? Develop tables
? Normalize them

b. Draw a single ERD - clearly identify Primary and Foreign keys (state any assumptions made)

c. Create a view that would list all MIS required courses

d. Create a view that will give a total count of courses with course ID above 300 or more (ex: INSS 300, INSS421, MGMT 315 etc should be included in the count)

c. Assignment MUST be typed in WORD (or similar processor)

? Develop the tables in ORACLE
? Insert data in tables
? Create the view (part C above)
? give the query and output of part C.

Reference no: EM131031966

Questions Cloud

Is connection in meteoritic material and life solar system : Is there any connection between meteoritic material and life in our Solar System? Explain your answer.
Find the long run probability that a caller is put on hold : Players and spectators enter a ballpark according to independent Poisson processes having respective rates 5 and 20 per hour. Starting at an arbitrary time, compute the probability that at least 3 players arrive before 4 spectators.
How the arp cache poisoning attack work : In this task, you need to demonstrate how the ARP cache poisoning attack work. Several commands can be useful in this task. In linux we can use command arp to check the current mapping between IP address and MAC
Develop a long-term professional relationship : In each case the client is attracted to the idea of working with a young architect / landscape architect / built environment professional, with whom they might develop a long-term professional relationship
Draw a single erd and identify primary and foreign keys : Draw a single ERD - clearly identify Primary and Foreign keys (state any assumptions made) and Create a view that would list all MIS required courses
Frederick mining had the following income and expense : Frederick Mining board of directors declares a $1.50-per-share dividend payable on 3/31/2016 to shareholders of record as of 3/15/2016. Frederick uses a dividends account to record dividends declared.
Indicate that both processes yield the same mean level : Reading down and left to right, draw a time series plot of all the data and comment on any features of the data that are revealed by this plot.
Why is health literacy particularly important to this group : Defines health literacy and explains its relationship to health outcomes; (body paragraph) Define health literacy and explain why is it important (eg what happens when people have low levels of health literacy, how common is low health literacy et..
Determining the center of gravity : The circular plate has a weight W and center of gravity at its center. If it is supported by three vertical cords tied to its edge, determine the largest distance d from the center to where any vertical force P can be applied so as not to cause th..


Write a Review

Management Information Sys Questions & Answers

  Information technology and the changing fabric

Illustrations of concepts from organizational structure, organizational power and politics and organizational culture.

  Case study: software-as-a-service goes mainstream

Explain the questions based on case study. case study - salesforce.com: software-as-a-service goes mainstream

  Research proposal on cloud computing

The usage and influence of outsourcing and cloud computing on Management Information Systems is the proposed topic of the research project.

  Host an e-commerce site for a small start-up company

This paper will help develop internet skills in commercial services for hosting an e-commerce site for a small start-up company.

  How are internet technologies affecting the structure

How are Internet technologies affecting the structure and work roles of modern organizations?

  Segregation of duties in the personal computing environment

Why is inadequate segregation of duties a problem in the personal computing environment?

  Social media strategy implementation and evaluation

Social media strategy implementation and evaluation

  Problems in the personal computing environment

What is the basic purpose behind segregation of duties a problem in the personal computing environment?

  Role of it/is in an organisation

Prepare a presentation on Information Systems and Organizational changes

  Perky pies

Information systems to adequately manage supply both up and down stream.

  Mark the equilibrium price and quantity

The demand schedule for computer chips.

  Visit and analyze the company-specific web-site

Visit and analyze the Company-specific web-site with respect to E-Commerce issues

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