Reference no: EM131131849
Project Management Case Study -The Custom Woodworking Company - Woody 2000 Project
Project Scope
Why do you suppose renovation of the President and Executive Vice President's offices were included in the project and was that a good idea?
Write a simple project scope statement
Develop a work breakdown structure
Project Planning
What should be included in a Woody 2000 project plan? What use would it be?
Evaluate Woody's plans for managing the project, including their approach to contracting for professional services and construction work. What would you have done and would that change for successive phases of the project?
Did the project plan explain how the project and any changes would be controlled? Should this be part of the plan? Give reasons.
Planning and Scheduling
Identify and describe a set of project schedule milestones from project concept to project completion.
Illustrate your milestones in a Gant chart or table form that shows your schedule visually.
Would a good baseline plan have helped to show that the project would not meet its schedule? If so, how?
How should float on the critical path have been managed? Would this have helped to complete on time?
Organizational Structure
Draw a project organization chart. What were the real relationships?
Should Leadbetter have been left to run the project? Would training have helped?
Progress Monitoring and Control
What would you have done when you saw that the project would not meet its schedule?
Cost Control
Why was EID's first price so high? Was their position reasonable?
When did Woody's know they were in trouble with over expenditure? What was the result?
How should the project budget and expenditures be set out for cost control?
Draw a simple flow chart for processing changes?
Risk Identification and Management
How did EID handle their risks? Was this effective? What might they have done?
List Woody's actual surprises and add other possible surprises. What was, or should have been, done to prepare for and respond to them?