Draw a scheduling chart to show how the i/o and cpu

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13852284

Consider a system running two CPU-bound Cl and C2, and four I/O bound jobs 01, 02, 03, 04. Each I/O bound task issues an I/O operation once every 1 millisecond of CPU.

Each I/O operation takes 3 milliseconds. Assume that there is only one I/O device (so multiple I/O requests may have to queue). Assume that the context switch takes 0.2 milliseconds.

Assume that each CPU bound requires 15 milliseconds of CPU to complete and each I/O-bound task requires 4 milliseconds of CPU time. Assume that all jobs are in the Ready queue at time 0, in the order Cl, C2, 01, 02, 03, 04.

Draw a scheduling chart to show how the I/O and CPU are allocated and compute the average turnaround times for the CPU-bound and I/O bound task. Use the following table to keep track of all events and Ready/Blocked (I/O) queues.

Reference no: EM13852284

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