Reference no: EM133179679
MGT603 Systems Thinking - Torrens University Australia
Assessment - Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Report
Learning Outcome 1: Create a visual depiction of a multi-dimensional complex situation that represents differing views
Assessment Task and Context
We live in a dynamic world, which consists of various complex adaptive systems and requires today's managers to take a holistic view of the business. In order to gain a holistic understanding, managers need to understand all the key internal and external stakeholders and the intended and unintended consequences of their decisions. To achieve this objective, managers need to learn and apply systems thinking tools and techniques. One such tool is "Rich Picture". Rich Picture helps us express our own understanding of the world, the stakeholders to be considered and the impact that they may have our actions. Tools such as Rich Picture, CATWOE and Root Definition Reports, help us to understand others' perspectives without getting involved in conflicting arguments of convincing one another about their own worldview.
To successfully complete MGT603 Assessment 2, students will require to write a comprehensive report that helps resolve the problem that they have introduced in MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A) for their selected case organisation.
Using the resulting discussion from MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A), students are required to analyse and synthesise consequences of the selected case organisation's issue/problem/challenge on various internal and external stakeholders involved while achieving the goals and objectives through policy implementation.
1. Rich Picture: Students are required to create/draw a Rich Picture of the identified problem/challenge/issue in MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A). The Rich Picture can be hand drawn and should provide a concise overview of the complex system under review.
2. Root Definition Report Using CATWOE: A "Root Definition Report" is a "structured analysis and description of the system being investigated". A Root Definition Report explains, "what", "how" and "why". A CATOWE analysis can help in the development of a thorough Root Definition Report. CATWOE is a mnemonic that identifies all stakeholders in the system being analysed.
To successfully complete and submit MGT603 Assessment 2 report, it must include:
• Rich Picture
• Root Definition Report Using CATWOE
• And based on these tools (Rich Picture and Root Definition Report Using CATWOE), students will recommend two (2) optimal solutions to overcome the problem/issue/challenge identified in MGT603 Assessment 1 (Part A).
The Rich Picture and Root Definition Report using CATWOE needs to be produced according to academic writing guidelines and must be submitted in compliance with the following:
• The submission must be in WORD document format.
• Add a title page at the beginning of the assessment document with subject code, subject name, assessment number, report title, assessment due date, word count (actual), student name and surname, student ID, Torrens's email address, learning facilitator name and surname details.
• You should make significant references to the subject material and substantial wider reading. A minimum of six (6) academic-related (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles, books chapters, university resources, conference papers) and a minimum of two (2) other references (e.g. newspaper articles, industry reports, and etc.) are required in this assessment. References to ‘Wikipedia' or similar unsubstantiated sources will not be accepted. It is highly advised to use recent references (from the past five years) where possible and necessary.
• In academic writing, it is highly advised to write in the third person (e.g. the author, the writer, the researcher).
• Within your assessment document all sections and sub-sections of the report require being numbered (e.g. 1, 1.1, 2, 2.2, etc.). Furthermore, all submissions require having page numbers.
• All inserted Figures and Tables within the assessment require being labelled and numbered appropriately (e.g. Figure 1: Rich Picture ...., Table 1: CATWOE Analysis ....). Furthermore, they all require being initially stated/introduced and then discussed in-detail and in-depth.
• The "Rich Picture" for the chosen case organisation requires being drawn by the student. Only "scanned" hand-drawn Rich Pictures are accepted.
Attachment:- SystemsThinking Assessment.rar