Draw a histogram for the values

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133007661

1. Data Wrangling exercises
For these tasks you need to install and upload "tidyverse" package:

1. Download the Lab5.txt file and save it to your working directory. Read the file with appropriate read function and store the data in an object considering:

A. The "|" is separation character

B. The first row is not part of data

C. A comment line starts with "#"

D. Print the object and mention its type (Tible or a dataframe) and why?

E. Use appropriate function to convert values to numeric type

F. Add a "sum" column to the existing data structure and calculate sum of values in each row (for each Case Type)

2. Load the diamonds dataset :

A. Create a subset that contains 3 variables (x, y, z)

B. Order the rows by x*y*z in descending order.

C. Filter the data set and create a new dataframe that contains the first 20 rows from part B.

3. Load diamonds dataset:

A. Replace values of y that are less than 3 or more than 20 with ‘missing values' (NA).

B. Draw a histogram for the values of "y" in dataframe created in part A.

Reference no: EM133007661

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Draw a histogram for the values : Draw a histogram for the values of "y" in dataframe created in part A and Replace values of y that are less than 3 or more than 20 with ‘missing values' (NA)
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