Reference no: EM132995082
BurgerBay is a newcomer in the fast-food industry. With several restaurants scattered across the bay, the owner decides that it is time to invest in developing a database to help manage various aspect of the company. You have been hired to develop such database. The following represents a description of the company and the various elements of the database. One of the main components of BurgerBay are its restaurants. Each of them can be uniquely identified using individual Business License Number. With 20 restaurants scattered across the bay, it is essential to keep track of each restaurant address using street name, city, state and zip code. We also want to keep track of the size (square footage) of each restaurant. BurgerBay realized that working with advertisement agencies is essential for marketing purposes and therefore requires each of its restaurant to work with one local advertisement agency. To avoid conflicts, restaurants do not work with more than a single advertisement agency at a time, but it is not unusual for an advertisement agency to work with multiple restaurants. BurgerBay wants to keep track of these advertisement agency, even if some of them do not work with any restaurant at the moment. They can be identified using a unique identification number and, for each of them, the company keeps data about their name, city, state, zip code and fixed contract fee. Another important component of BurgerBay are its employees. Each of its restaurant requires several employees to run properly and it is not uncommon for some of the most experienced employees to work across multiple restaurants. For this reason, it is important for the company to keep track of the day, start time and end time that a given employee worked at a specific restaurant. Note that only currently working employees are kept in the database, with data about their unique employee number, employee name, and number of years employed.
Question 1) Based on the information above:
a. List all the entities required in your database
b. Provide a list of business rules you can derive.
Question 2) Using the information given and the derived business rules, draw a Entity Relationship Diagram of your database.