Draw a diagram of how the stacks might look

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13694475

Question: Two stacks of positive integers are needed, both containing integers with values less than or equal to 1000. One stack contains even integers; the other contains odd integers. The total number of elements in the combined stacks is never more than 200 at any time, but we cannot predict how many are in each stack.(All of the elements could be in one stack, they could be evenly divided, both stacks could be empty, and so on.)Can you think of a way to implement both stacks in one array?

Part 1: Draw a diagram of how the stacks might look

Part 2: Write the definitions for such a double-stack structure.

Part 3: Implement the push operation; it should store the new item into the correct stack according to its value(even or odd)

Can you explain each and every part in detail?

Reference no: EM13694475

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