Draw a data flow diagram

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13781325


Kellogg State Bank provides car and home loans to its banking customers. Initially, a potential loan customer meets with a Kellogg loan officer, requests a loan for a certain amount and time frame, and completes a loan application.

Next, the loan officer determines the customer's credit standing, the type of loan required, and available interest rates. While the loan officer can authorize car loans for credit worthy customers, a loan committee must approve all home loans.


You have been provided three diagrams - a Context Diagram (DFD), Level-0 Diagram, and the A-0 Diagram (IDEF). For this problem, you will be asked to re-draw or construct the following diagrams:

1) A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) - three levels

a) aContext-Level Diagram - provided for the exam - recreate the diagram for your exam

b) aLevel-0 Data Flow Diagram -- provided for the exam - recreate the diagram for your assignment

c) Decompose PRC 1, PRC 2, & PRC 3 into athreeLevel-1 Data Flow Diagrams

Total Points for DFDs = 60 points

2) An IDEF0 Diagram - two levels

a) A-0 Diagram - provided for the exam - recreate it for your assignment

b) A0 decomposition diagram

Total Points for IDEF = 20 points

3) Create a Kite-Level Use Case Diagram - Total Points for Use Case = 20 points

The DFD and IDEF diagrams must be drawn in BPWin in AllFusion Suite. The Use Case Diagram must be drawn in Visio 2013.

Reference no: EM13781325

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