Reference no: EM133146764
Consider an online shopping application with the following the scope:
The application lists the products that can be sold in the store and exposes them to customers. It receives the inventory from the inventory management system and keeps it updated with the price of items, taxes, shipping fees, discounts, and the items delivered. It also issues invoices to customers. Shopping management has access to the reports of sales and orders placed through the dashboard and sets sales rates such as discount or tax rates. Customers can log in, add or remove items to the cart, order, and pay. The financial office holds the payments. The delivery unit plans the packaging and delivery schedule according to the customer's purchasing information and returns the information to the system after the customer confirms.
a) Draw a context diagram and level 0 DFD.
b) Draw a use case diagram for the system.
c) Identify data entities and draw an entity-relationship (E-R) model for the system.
d) Specify the objects/classes along with the class names, attributes, and methods in the system (bring as many features as you can).
e) Draw a class diagram for the system.
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