Draw a complete eerd by using entities and attributes

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13860921

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION This assignment is intended to help you understand the problem specifications before designing a proper Extended Entity Relationship Diagram (EERD) for a new database system. For this purpose, you are required to choose ONE (1) of the organisations which you familiar with such as a clinic, company, school, university etc. Then, answer the following questions:

a) Identify ONE (1) potential process from the organisation chosen which can be operated by using the database system (e.g.: registration process, billing process, scheduling process, handling process, or any simple process that can be used to keep track of record inside the environment). Describe the process clearly in at least one or two paragraphs. (e.g.: to automate the billing system of the different branches, to keep track of student's result... etc).

b) Based on the process identified in previous task, list out FIVE (5) main entities that might include in the organisation complete with their attributes (at least two). You are required to include the elements of EERD. Note: Each entity should have at least one primary key.

c) Draw a complete EERD by using entities and attributes that have been identified above. Make sure you clearly identify the relationships between the entities and their cardinality.

d) Translate your EERD from question (c) into a relational schema. Use the method described in the class (graphical / text representation).

Reference no: EM13860921

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