Draw a clearly labeled pay structure with a pen or pencil

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133597356


Create a Pay Structure

A. Go to the O*NET Resource Center website https://www.onetonline.org/ and use the "Occupation Quick Search" field to find the market pay (salary or hourly-equivalent) for the following jobs:

I. Phlebotomists

II. Biological Technicians

III. Radiologic Technologists and Technicians

IV. Radiologists

V. Radiation Therapists

VI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists

VII. Physician Assistants

VIII. Gynecologists

IX. Home Health Aids

X. Registered Nurses

XI. Any other medical-related job

B. Create and show your job evaluation point system using the following compensable factors. Make sure you show how many points are assigned to each factor (e.g., 1 year of experience required = 10 points; 2 years of experience required = 25 points)

I. Education required

II. Years of experience required

III. Amount of contact with patients

IV. Amount of time pressure

C. Create a pay structure: Draw a clearly labeled pay structure with a pen or pencil, then scan or photograph the diagram, and insert it into this worksheet. Use a dark enough pencil or pen so that all data and required items can be easily seen:

I. Use the market pay and point data to draw a market and pay line using a LAG policy. The market line goes in the middle of the pay/point data on your plot. The pay line is somewhere below the market line. Make sure you view the video on how to do this.

II. Label everything

III. Draw six pay grades

IV. Some jobs will not be located inside a pay grade. Show which of those jobs should go to what pay grade by using arrows. (See video).

D. What is the base pay of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist job based on your pay structure (the bottom of the pay grade that the technologist is in)?

E. What is the top pay of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist job based on your pay structure (the top of the pay grade that the technologist is in)?

F. How should promotions within your pay grades be done ---by seniority, merit, or some incentive? Explain why.

Reference no: EM133597356

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