Drafting the various sections

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Reference no: EM131670736

You will complete a research paper in five stages, each of which will be graded. You will complete the first two stages, Parts 1A and 1B, in Week 3.

This project is unique in that it is staged to follow what you are learning in the class and to give you an opportunity to receive feedback as you are drafting the various sections.

Each part's analysis will be due and graded separately, as a draft might be. These will be due at the ends of weeks 3, 4, 5, and 6. You will be mentored by your instructor on each section of your project along the way. Ask questions as you go along! At the end of week 7, you will turn in the revised, completed, cohesive 8- to 10-page paper PLUS a bibliography. 

You will investigate a case study from the recommended list below and use it to explore each of the steps of the four-step public relations process.  Each of the parts of the paper that you turn in at the ends of weeks 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be graded and together worth 20 percent of your final grade. The revised assignment will be worth 15 percent of your final course grade, making all stages of this project worth a total of 35 percent of your course grade. 

You will use material from our course readings and relevant outside research materials to assemble your paper. It must be a minimum eight- to 10-page, carefully researched and written paper (double spaced) that is based on the scenario you chose from the list below. Follow the instructions for each step carefully; be sure to answer all questions; do not miss deadlines.

Two parts of this final project are due in Week 3: Parts 1A and 1B.

Part 1A.  

Select a well-known, real-life public relations case on which to focus your research for the rest of the semester -- preferably from the list below. If you'd like to handle something that is not on the list but is of more interest to you or more connected to your work life, send me a message describing your topic and I'll let you know if it's acceptable.  No celebrity or political cases  will be accepted.  Avoid current situations for which there will not yet be enough expert analysis to research and quote.  Be sure to choose a public relations situation and research how it was handled from a public relations standpoint, not just how media covered the situation as mainstream news. Some well-documented public relations crises you may choose include:

  • The British Petroleum oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010: BP faced the wrath and disappointment of many active and latent audiences.  How did they handle their publics and messaging?
  • The space shuttle Challenger explosion: The hearts of a nation were broken in this January 1986 accident that killed all of the astronauts on board as well as teacher Christa McAuliffe. How did NASA cope from a communications perspective?
  • The Tylenol crisis: Seven people died after taking Tylenol capsules laced with cyanide. This happened in 1982, but is highly regarded as an exemplary public relations case. How did Johnson & Johnson handle this crisis that made them such a lauded example of effective crisis communication?
  • The Fireside Chats (1933): President Franklin D. Roosevelt's radio addresses to the American public provided a direct communications approach that both bypassed the media and became a media event.   How did this communications approach evolve and what were its widespread implications relating to image and message?
  • Jack in the Box hamburgers: Three children died in 1993 after eating Jack in the Box hamburgers.    How did Jack in the Box communicate the tragedy and handle their image in the aftermath?  Advertising may be an element of your paper but public relations should be the predominant focus.
  • Faulty tires: Ford Motor Co. and Firestone faced a maelstrom of criticism for the faulty tires that apparently led to accidents and fatalities of people riding in Ford sport utility vehicles.  How did Ford and Firestone communicate the tragedy and handle their image in the aftermath?  Should they or did they collaborate effectively in disseminating their messages?  Did one or both companies' image(s) falter in the aftermath?

Write your thesis, or problem/opportunity statement. FOCUS on Step One of the four-step process you are learning in this class.  Step One is "defining the problem." This isn't a lead, as in a well-written news story.  This should be a succinct paragraph or two.  Part 1A is worth half of your grade on this assignment or 2.5 credits toward your final grade.

If you choose a different scenario, be sure it is one that was well-publicized, so you can obtain all of the information you need for this paper. You will need to review old news stories, other research  sources and background material. (Your instructor must approve any topic that is NOT on the list above before you proceed.) 

Part 1B. 

Using the UMUC library and its and other various databases for news and interviews with people who were involved at the time and other sources, compile a file of background information about your selected public relations crisis at the time of the crisis. Present it to me as an ANNOTATED bibliography.  Include at least 5 sources.  You research must reflect sources beyond the assigned readings for this class. Those readings are good sources and will likely earn you a passing grade if that's all you use; for a better grade, you must do more research.  Part 1B is worth half of your grade on this assignment or 2.5 credits toward your final grade.

Reference no: EM131670736

Questions Cloud

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Formats for the convenience and spontaneity : Nexters, on the other hand, tend to favor social network formats for the convenience and spontaneity they offer.
Explain the role of social workers on an international level : Explain the role of social workers on an international level in relation to the rights of the LGBTQ community.
Software development firm in atlanta : You work for a software development firm in Atlanta that has grown quickly by selling computer programs to huge corporations such as AT&T and Ford Motor Co.
Drafting the various sections : This project is unique in that it is staged to follow what you are learning in the class and to give you an opportunity to receive feedback as you are drafting.
Compare the most recent racial differences in poverty : What parts of this data catches your attention? Note important points that "pop out" to you. Discuss what you find surprising or unexpected.
Explain how you intend to keep current in your field : Explain why you feel continuing education is important in your field of study. Explain how you intend to keep current in your field.
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How relatively effective are feminist practice methods : How relatively effective are feminist practice methods versus more traditional/standard methods such as cognitive-behavioral ones?


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