Drafting and revising an expository essay

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Reference no: EM132391592

Use the outline you developed in Assessment 2 to draft and revise a 4-6-page expository essay on how to write an academic essay.

Writers typically use expository essays explain, describe, or provide information to the reader. One may assume the reader of an expository essay has no prior knowledge about the essay topic, so clarity in writing is important.

Expository writing is used daily in newspaper and magazine articles, as well as in the workplace where you may be required to write business reports or memos that inform others about things taking place in the organization.

Developing a draft is your chance to see how well you have organized your thoughts. After you write your draft, take a moment to look critically at what you have written. Does your essay say what you wanted it to say? Will a reader understand what you are saying? Are there places where your focus gets lost? These are just some of the questions to consider as you work on this assessment. The assessment you submit should be the final version of your essay.

Note: The assessments in this course build on each other and must be taken in sequence. Assessment 3 is paired with Assessment 2. You must complete Assessment 2 and receive feedback before you complete and submit Assessment 3.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Apply information and use literacy skills to produce evidence-based written work. 

Integrate relevant supporting references from scholarly sources.

Competency 3: Apply prewriting, planning, drafting, and revision skills. 

Apply accepted conventions of editing and revision.

Competency 4: Apply accepted style conventions and written expression skills. 

Use accepted methods for explaining a process.

Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of APA format, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.


In Assessment 2, you developed an outline as part of the prewriting process to help you organize and prepare to write your expository essay on how to write an academic essay. In this assessment, you will use that outline, along with the feedback you received from your faculty, to draft and revise the complete essay.


Write a 4-6-page essay on how to write an academic essay. Your essay should include the following:

Explain the process for writing an academic essay. Be sure you include:


Evaluating the audience.

Developing a thesis statement.

The outlining process.

Using textual evidence to support your points.

How to write an introduction and conclusion.

How to format the essay and references in APA.

Use relevant evidence to support your statements.

Re-read your essay before you submit:

Are there any grammatical or mechanical errors?

Are there any typos?

Is your writing style clear and concise?

Do you have a clear thesis statement and introduction?

Is your APA formatting correct?

Edit and revise your essay.

Explain the steps you followed in your editing and revision process. Do not submit your assessment without this explanation!

Additional Requirements

Style and Format: Use current APA style for references. Include a title page and references page.

Length: Compose 4-6 pages in addition to the title page and references page.

Resources: Cite a minimum of three resources.

Font: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

Reference no: EM132391592

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