Draft a thesis statement on your issue

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Reference no: EM131789115

For this assignment, you will be selecting and discussing a contemporary criminal justice issue to pursue as part of your criminal justice research paper for this capstone course.

The topic that you select will be the focus throughout this course, so please select your topic wisely.

When considering topics, think about the courses you have taken in the criminal justice program, issues that you have studied, and topics for which you developed an interest.

You will not want to select a topic that is too broad, such as crime statistics; rather, consider a specific topic, such as how the collection and reporting of crime statistics could be modified to better account for the dark figure of crime.

Prepare 3-4 paragraphs that present your topic to your peers and instructor. You should include the following based on your selected issue:

Draft a thesis statement on your issue.

Provide a brief explanation of why you selected this topic.

What aspects of the topic do you anticipate pursuing in your research?

What sources do you anticipate using in your research?

Reference no: EM131789115

Questions Cloud

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Prepare in general journal format the entries that posted : Prepare in general journal format the entries that were posted, including a plausible description
Draft a thesis statement on your issue : Draft a thesis statement on your issue. Provide a brief explanation of why you selected this topic.What aspects of the topic do you anticipate pursuing in resea
Calculate the cost of aeds per year of life saved : Calculate the cost of AEDs per year of life saved. Calculate the cost of AEDs per QALY.
How might your working solution solve the problem : One is in the western states and the other is located in the northeast, and both locations process fingerprints and other forensics evidence?
Injured within the course and scope of his employment : William will be able to collect worker's compensation benefits, because William was injured within the course and scope of his employment.
Evaluate risk factors for target acquisition company : Evaluate risk factors for target acquisition company, Prepare a report on this analysis


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