Download and complete the assignment writing assignment

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM13664808

Download and complete the assignment Writing Assignment: Matrices. Each problem is worth 5 points for a total of 50 points. Submit your assignment to the Writing Assignment: Matrices link. Please write your answers denoting the row and column. For example, you may put the following answer down for a 2 x 2 matrix.
row 1 column 1 = 4
row 1 column 2 = 5
row 2 column 1 = 0
row 2 column 2 = -1
Review Worksheet
Complete the review worksheet for this section before taking the quiz. Download the review worksheet, complete the questions, and then download the answer key to check your work. Make sure to ask your teacher any questions.

Writing Assignment: Systems of Equations 50 Points
Complete the assignment Systems of Equations. Each problem is worth 5 points for a total of 50 points. Make sure to show all your work.
Review Worksheet
Complete the review worksheet for this section before taking the quiz. Download the review worksheet, complete the questions, and then download the answer key to check your work. Make sure to ask your teacher any questions.

Writing Assignment: Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities 60 Points
It is now time for you to practice graphing systems of linear inequalities. We will utilize the Whiteboard for this assignment.
The Whiteboard will allow you to save your graphs as pictures (jpeg files) that can then be inserted directly into a Word document and can be submitted to your instructor.
If you prefer to hand-draw your graphs, click here to download your assignment and scan your solutions. This downloadable document is meant for hand-writing only and cannot be typed on. Use this document only if you have access to a scanner to submit your work, otherwise, use the Whiteboard below.
To use the Whiteboard:
1. Draw your graph.
2. Click on the save button. Name your file with an easily identifiable name (Alg2_6.C.WrittenAssignment_Graph1) and save it in a folder on your computer that is easily accessible.
3. Open a Word document, click on Insert, Picture, and navigate through the folders on your computer to find your file.
4. Click on the file and insert into your Word document.
Point Breakdown: Each of the following questions is worth 5 points for a total of 60 Points.
Assignment: Graph the functions.
1. y > -6x - 2
y > -10 + 5x
y ≤ 0
2. y < 8x - 5
y ≥ -9x + 10
3. y ≥ 0
x ≥ 0
x < 2
4. x ≤ 4
y > -1
5. 2y + x < 6
3x - y > 4
6. x + y > 7
y < 0
7. 2x - y < 4
x + 1 > 3
8. y ≥ x - 1
y < 2x - 2
9. 3x < 2y
y ≥ 0
10. x + y < 2
2x - y < 3
11. y < 0
x > 4
12. 2x + y > 3
x - y ≥ 2
Review Worksheet
Complete the review worksheet for this section before taking the quiz. Download the review worksheet, complete the questions, and then download the answer key to check your work. Make sure to ask your teacher any questions.


Reference no: EM13664808

Questions Cloud

A finite number of coins are placed on a row of slots : A finite number of coins are placed on a row of slots of finite length
Is exposure to uv radiation associated with skin cancer : Is exposure to UV radiation associated with skin cancer
The number of ways to fully-parenthesize : The number of ways to fully-parenthesize
A new yarn shop wants to apportion investment money : A new yarn shop wants to apportion their investment money ($150,000) for advertising, building upgrades, and education in the ratio of 7:8:10. How much money does each category get apportioned?
Download and complete the assignment writing assignment : Download and complete the assignment Writing Assignment
The number n on the upper face is recorded : A six-sided die is rolled and the number N on the upper face is recorded.
Create a class named vehicle that acts as a super class for : Create a class named Vehicle that acts as a super class for vehicle types
Write a usevehicle class to instantiate one vehicle object : Write a UseVehicle class to instantiate one Vehicle object, one Car object, one MotorCycle object, and display each object's values.
Abc company order inventory system : ABC Company Order Inventory System


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