Double-membrane envelope-proteins are chiefly composed

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13532701

1. A nucleotide consists of.....

A.) One or more phosphate groups
B.) A five carbon-ribose sugar
C.) A nitrogen containing aromatic ring group (base)
D.) All of the above
E.) None of the above

2. Proteins are chiefly composed of which of the following?
A.) Carbohydrates and amino acids
B.) Long non-branched amino acid polymers
C.) Peptide bonds formed between lipid moieties
D.) Aggregated amino acids
E.) A and B above

3. How a protein folds is determined by
A.) If the environment is hydrophobic or hydrophilic
B.) The location in the cell the protein is located
C.) The pH of the cytoplasm
D.) The order of the amino acids found in the sequence
E.) All of the above

4. The half-life of which of the following is likely to beshortest
A.) Protein
B.) Lipid
C.) Carbohydrate

5. Which of the following organelle has a double-membrane"envelope"?
A.) Nucleus
B.) Endoplasmic reticulum
C.) Mitochondria
D.) Plasma Membrane
E.) A and C

6. Poisons that kill an organism as a result of a loss ofhigh-energy ATP molecules, are most likely to target whichorganelle?
B.) Cytoskeleton
C.) Cytoplasm
D.) Endoplasmic Reticulum
E.) Nucleus

Reference no: EM13532701

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