Reference no: EM132739794
Your company is considering a decision of relocating to another country. You have been given the job of researching different alternatives for relocation. Your report will help the board decide where to relocate, and will help the employees know what to expect in a new country.
The company is considering Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, and Germany. Your task is to review the legal system and policing style in these countries and produce a report in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:
What is the dominant policing style of each country?
How do the police in each country deal with issues of human rights? Are there any protections in place for the citizens?
Do the countries face any terrorism issues? Would a US company be at risk?
Are there any activities that are legal in the United States but are illegal in the other countries?
If an employee (or the company) were to be prosecuted for a crime, what kind of trial system (adversarial or inquisitorial) would be in effect?
After reviewing the three countries, conclude your report by explaining:
Which country's police and legal systems seem to most closely resemble the systems of the United States?
Which country would you recommend the company to choose? Why?
You may choose to address each of the above-mentioned points for all the three countries or review each country separately. The Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook is a good starting place for information on other countries.