Dominant groups can play a role in marginalizing

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Reference no: EM131854707

An explanation of how dominant groups can play a role in marginalizing other groups based on racial and ethnic characteristics. Discuss the potential negative impact of a dominant culture on immigrants and refugees, such as Aaron. How might racism and prejudice impact his assimilation? Furthermore, explain how you would respond to Aaron when he discusses his family's rejection of his desire to maintain his cultural roots. In your explanation, identify specific skills you would employ as a multiculturally sensitive social worker.

Reference no: EM131854707

Questions Cloud

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Professional responsibility to the lgbtq community : Also explain how prejudice and bias might create barriers to fulfilling your professional responsibility to the LGBTQ community.
Dominant groups can play a role in marginalizing : An explanation of how dominant groups can play a role in marginalizing other groups based on racial and ethnic characteristics.
Explanation of the relationship between racism and privilege : An explanation of the relationship between racism and privilege. Furthermore, explain how the concepts of racism and privilege relate
In what ways did the shift in climate affect the interaction : Suppose the seminar had begun with a confrontational climate. What kind of event might cause the climate to shift toward a more relaxed direction?
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Why does the observed pattern of FVs occur : Find the amount to which $200 will grow under each of these conditions. Why does the observed pattern of FVs occur?


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