Domestic violence victim in the criminal justice system

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Reference no: EM133249507

You are a patrol officer in a midsized, diverse city in New Hampshire with a population of nearly 250,000. You are dispatched to a domestic disturbance call located at 87 North Main Street, apartment 22, in your city. The location is a multifamily apartment building. When you arrive at the location, a female who identifies herself as the caller meets you on the street. The female identifies herself as Regina Cooper, the neighbor of Mary and Mark Malone. Regina tells you that Mark is intoxicated and is fighting with Mary and that, because of all the screaming she heard, she thinks he is hitting Mary again. While proceeding to apartment 22, you observe several holes in the wall in the stairwell as well as at the top of the stairs that appear to have been made by some type of force rather than being cleanly cut. Upon arriving at the door, you hear crying and yelling coming from inside the apartment. When you knock on the door, a woman identifying herself as Mary opens the door. She has a fresh bruise on her right eye, and you observe red marks on her neck. When you inquire about the location of Mark, Mary reports that he ran into the bedroom and locked the door when he saw the police. Mary is hysterical and tells you that this is not the first time Mark has become violent when intoxicated. Mary tells you that she loves her husband. She tells you that she tries hard not to make Mark angry, because he was recently placed on probation after he was convicted for beating a man with a bat in a bar fight. Mary tells you that Mark cannot go to jail, because he pays all the bills and will kill her if she is the reason he goes back to jail. Mary does not wish to pursue charges against her husband. You secure the scene and remove Mary from the property. Because of Mary's observed injuries, you place Mark under arrest for domestic assault.

  1. Describe the experience of a domestic violence victim in the criminal justice system in Situation 2. Include the following in your description:
    1. What is the domestic violence victim's experience immediately after the initial incident regarding the investigative process and victim assistance?
    2. What is the domestic violence victim's postevent experience with processing in the criminal justice system?
    3. What legal precautions are in place to protect a domestic violence victim?
      1. What happens to the domestic violence victim regarding courts, corrections, parole, and victim assistance?
      2. What is the process for the victim being notified of the offender's parole status?

Reference no: EM133249507

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