Domestic and global logistics operation

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131881866

1. Compare and contrast domestic and global logistics operation.

2. Describe the logistics characteristics of a firm moving toward a globally integrated enterprise strategy.

3. Discuss how product variations, security and import constraints, and transportation uncertainty should impact global outsourcing and marketing decisions.

4. What justification of logic can be presented to support the placement of a warehouse in a logistic system?

5. In what ways can customer service performance be improved by incorporating flexible distribution operations into a logistical system design?

6. What is the functional aggregation paradigm and why is it important?

7. Distinguish between reliability and character-based trust. Why is character-based trust critical in collaborative relationships.

8. Briefly discuss the three objectives for developing and implementing performance measurement systems.

9. Why is it important that a firm measure customer perception as a regular part of performance measurement?

10. How does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act impact requirements for logistics performance measurement?

Reference no: EM131881866

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