Does your product have a brand personality

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131750788

Marketing Project

Even groups will turn in a paper following the Q& A format. Please copy the question in your report and then answer it using verified academic research. Odd groups will turn intheir presentation slides

1) Classification of products

a) Is your product a good, service or idea? You should use the goods-services continuum (Pg. 300) to help you classify the product.

b) In what category would you place your product: convenience, shopping, specialty or unsought?

2) Type of new product

a) How would you characterize your product when it was introduced in terms of its innovativeness?

b) How did the degree of innovativeness of the product impact how the product was first marketed?

c) Were there any problems with the introduction of your product?

3) Managing the product

a) Where is your product in terms of the product life cycle?

b) Use the graph on page 268 (Figure 11-2) to describe how the stage of the life cycle impacts your product in terms of marketing activity

c) Has your product been modified or repositioned to better serve customers? Did the company try to go after different customers by a modification of the product or a repositioning campaign?

d) Does your product have a brand personality? Describe it

e) How has your product created brand equity?

g) Describe your product's branding as well as any packaging issues that help/hinder their marketing

4) Pricing strategies

a) How is your product priced compared to the competition?

b) What type of pricing policy did your product use: penetration pricing, prestige pricing, odd even pricing, target pricing, standard markup pricing, etc.

c) What are your products points of differentiation or points of difference? How have these points of difference affected the price of the product compared to its competition?

5) Channels of distribution

a) How would you describe the distribution channel for your product (direct channel, type of indirect channel)?

b) Does your product have an electronic marketing channel? If so, describe it.

c) If your company has a dual distribution strategy, describe it.

d) Does your product exhibit intensive, exclusive or selective distribution? Describe why your product was classified in one of the categories above.

e) In terms of supply chains, how does your product get to its final customers?

6) Marketing communications/IMC

a) Describe the product's current Integrated Marketing Communications campaign

b) Does your product use a push or pull strategy...or both. Describe.

7) Promotion(30 points)

a) Provide at least 5 examples of promotion from the five promotional elements: advertising, pr, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing that your product uses.

b) Why is your product using these specific promotional strategies?

c) What, if any, emerging technologies is your product using to promote/communicate with customers?

d) What, if anything, should your product be doing differently in terms of promotion?

Reference no: EM131750788

Questions Cloud

Find profit-maximizing quantity the monopolist will produce : Find the profit-maximizing quantity the monopolist will produce, and what price he will charge. Calculate the dead-weight loss. Interpret this number
Provide appropriate sources to back-up your work : Provide appropriate sources to back-up your work. Peer-reviewed articles from the library, Government websites, and GAO reports should be used.
What is the corporate level strategies of boeing : What is the Corporate Level Strategies of Boeing. What are the global strategies of Boeing?
Price discounts for purchases affect economic order quantity : How would price discounts for large purchases affect the economic order quantity? How could the basic economic order quantity model be modified.
Does your product have a brand personality : Is your product a good, service or idea? You should use the goods-services continuum to help you classify the product.
How would assess the usefulness of a package : From a computer manufacturer or service bureau, obtain a description of a computerized inventory control package. What financial inputs does the package.
Design for low cost-low weight and high strength product : EG-264 Computers in Engineering - Find minimum and maximum stress, strain and deformation based on face loading and Plot and compare the stresses
Does the release plan have to be incremental : Does the release plan have to be incremental? Why or why not?
What is the economic order quantity of wids : The Beta Corporation sells 1 00,000 tillets per year. Each tillet requires 4 wids. Fixed ordering costs are $300 and carrying costs per wid are $8 per year.


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