Does your logotype effectively convey the uniqueness

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131798504

John owns Great Grubz-a new and healthy fast food cafe that sells soups, wraps, sandwiches, fresh juice, and yoghurt. The cafe promotes healthy, organic style products. Its target market is health-conscious people. John has hired you to design a logotype for the business. A logotype is a type-based logo, unlike a graphic-based logo. John needs a clean and earthy design for his cafe's name.

Your tasks are to use the Photoshop text tools to create a logotype for John's business by stylizing the cafe's name. You are also required to explain your choice of typeface, font, and style.

Task 1:

Use the Type tool to type the name or the initials of the cafe.

Use the Type menu to change the font and to adjust the size. Be sure to select a font that best represents the cafe-the fast food concept, the organic and healthy products, and the target market.

Use the Photoshop tools to stylize the letterforms. You may consider using the

Colors and Filters tools in Photoshop.

Use the Selection tools to select and move individual characters on the page. Continue stylizing letterforms until the resulting logotype best represents the business.

Task 2:

Justify your choice of typeface, font, and style for the logotype of the cafe, in a Microsoft Word document.

Submission Requirements:
Submit one composite image created according to the directions given in the recommended procedure.
File format: .psd

Submit your explanation of the logotype you have created, in a minimum of 250 words, in a Microsoft Word document.

Ensure that the file size of your document does not exceed 5 MB. If it does, compress the file by using a compression software program before submitting the files.

Zip your file using the default compression utility. To zip your document, right-click the file, bring your mouse cursor over Send To, and click Compressed File. Submit the zipped file to your instructor as an attachment through the Questa Learning Plan.

Evaluation Criteria:

Consider the following points before submission:

Did you display an understanding of type usage and its impact on the design? Did you stylize the text?

Does your logotype effectively convey the uniqueness of the business? Did you submit an explanation of the logotype?

Reference no: EM131798504

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