Reference no: EM132223902 , Length: word count:1250
The main focus of this paper is to help you identify and describe your problem. The Problem should be explained, background given and why it impacts your clinical area (tell me why this is important, what would happen if not treated/changed etc) 2-3 pages.
- Problem: Behaviors caused by urinary tract Infection in elderly.
- Does urinary tract infections cause behaviors among the elderly?
The Intervention is what you have found in the literature to support fixing your problem ie the best evidence based solution. If you find that there are several options then present the top 3 practices that are noted. 1-2 pages.
The Comparison will always be your pre-intervention group.
The Outcome will be post intervention data. Both of these will be looked at later this semester and more extensively in EBP part 2 in the fall.
PICOT Paper -
1. Select your topic on which to write a paper 3-5 pages maximum not including title page and references. Write the paper to argues for need of a practice guideline. Refer to Chapter 2 of Melnyk to help you in selection of your topic. Below are guidelines for different types of PICOT questions.
2. Once you have decided on your topic, conduct a preliminary search for research articles to assure there is sufficient evidence (research studies) to critique. Check such databases as the CDC, AHRQ, and the NIH for updated information including statistics on your topic. Select at least 50 articles.
3. Write a 3-5 page summary paper. In your paper, identify the need for guideline development in this area, with support and references from the literature. Outline your intended (or actual) search strategies for finding evidence to support development of your evidence-based practice guideline.
Using a 'keyword' strategy for searching is not adequate; you need to use MeSH headings to search more effectively for research studies related to your topic.
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