Does this make economic sense

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131227398

Suppose a government agency takes part of an individual's land, say for a highway, for which it must pay compensation. The "benefit offset" principle would allow the government to reduce the amount of compensation by the increase in value of the remaining portion of the land. Does this make economic sense? What if the increase in value of the untaken land exceeds the value of the taken land?

Reference no: EM131227398

Questions Cloud

Explain the use of a balloon payment mortgage : Explain the use of a balloon-payment mortgage. -  Why might a financial institution prefer to offer this type of mortgage?
Why is the 15 year mortgage attractive to homeowners : Why is the 15-year mortgage attractive to homeowners? - Is the interest rate risk to the financial institution higher for a 15-year or a 30- year mortgage? Why?
How caps on arms affect a financial institutions exposure : How does initial rate on adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) differ from rate on fixed-rate mortgages? - How caps on ARMs can affect a financial institution's exposure to interest rate risk.
Evaluate compensation question based on nuisance exception : The case of Goldblatt v. Town of Hempstead (369 U.S. 590, 1962) involved a takings claim by the operator of a gravel pit who was prohibited by a town ordinance from continuing to excavate from an open pit that had gone below the water table.
Does this make economic sense : What if the increase in value of the untaken land exceeds the value of the taken land?
Will you use open-ended or closed-ended questions : How will you introduce each research topic? Will you use open-ended or closed-ended questions? Identify the use of time periods that are related to the importance of a question. How will you bridge between topic areas?
Why michelman is more permissive than pareto : According to Michelman's (1967) criterion, projects can go forward if B C > min(S, D), where, recall, S are settlement costs and D are demoralization costs. Given this formula, explain why Michelman is more permissive than Pareto but less permiss..
How mortgage lenders affected by interest rate movements : Explain how mortgage lenders can be affected by interest rate movements. Also explain how they can insulate against interest rate movements.
What is on the left-hand side of the equation : a. What is on the left-hand side of the equation? b. What is on the right-hand side? c. How does the function L(i) represented in that figure?


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