Reference no: EM131710982 , Length: word count : 1000
For this project, you will use what you've learned about sociological approaches to examine the extent to which the popular media represent social issues in a scpciological way.
Select a feature story from a newspaper or magazine (e.g., Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and Word Reports, Mother Jones, Ms., The New York Times, USA. Today, The Wcishington Post, etc.) on a topic that sociologists might study.
The story call focus on a social problem (e.g., homelessness, poverty, racism, organized crime, domestic violence, hate crimes, etc.) or on a cultural trend (e.g., the growth in popularity of professional wrestling,increasing participation of women in professional sports, decreasing voter turnout in U.S. elections, growing interest in body piercing. etc.). Then, write a paper (750-1000 words, approximately 3-4 pages double spaced) using what you've learned in this course to critique the article from a sociological perspective.
First, give an overview of the article (be sure to use examples from the article, but direct quotes should be no longer than one sentence: that is, use your own words!
• What is the author trying to explain?
• How does the author explain it?
Contributing factors
Historical background
• What conclusions does the author draw about the problem/trend?
The article overview section of your paper should be a maximum of 1 page in length
In the remaining 1 to 2 pages, make connections between concepts presented in an assigned reading(s) and module content materials and a contemporary example in the news (again, be sure to illustrate using examples from the article, relying primarily on your own words). Usethe following questions to help guide your
• Does this article present a sociological analysis? Why or why not?
• Does it reflect what Michael Schwabe calls "sociological mindfulness" and/or what C. Wright Mills calls a "sociological imagination"? Explain your response.
• From a sociological perspective, what's missing from the author's analysis?
• How might sociological methods and concepts help improve the author's analysis and conclusions?
• Remember you should make relevant, meaningful, direct connections to at least two course readings and use of sociological concepts, theories, and/or research, including relevant terminology, general explanations, and direct. specific applications.
• Submission length 750-1000 words (about 3-4 pages double spaced)
• You must use (directly reference/discuss) at least two of the course readings.
• Do not use any outside sources: stick to the course materials.
• Provide a reference list for the course materials you cite, and you must adhere to the principles for academic integrity by carefully and responsibly citing any material you draw from in your paper (including course materials).
• Provide in-text citations (with the author's last name) for material you reference. If you use another author's exact wording. you must put this wording in quotes and provide a page number as well.
Format your paper using the following criteria:
• Essay should be pasted directly into the canvas assignment or uploaded as an attachment. (don't worry if the formatting changes)
• Submission lenght afiu-luuu woras Layout J-4 pages double spaced,
• You must use (directly reference/discuss) at least two of the course readings.
• Do not use any outside sources: stick to the course materials.
• Provide a reference list for the course materials you cite, and you must adhere to the principles for academic integrity by carefully and responsibly citing any material you draw from in your paper (including course materials).
• Provide in-text citations (with the author's last name) for material you reference. If you use another author's exact wording, you must put this wording in quotes and provide a page number as well.
Format your paper using the following criteria:
• Essay should be pasted directly into the canvas assignment or uploaded as an attachment. (don't worry if the formatting changes)