Does the writer have at least the points of comparison

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131329091

Part A - Intolerance and Cross Cultural Communication Problems

Locate a newspaper article (not used in class) that demonstrate intolerance toward a group or individual occurring within the last year. This intolerance can include majority/minority intolerance in a city, region, or a country (it does not have to be in the United States, but the articles do need to be in English). You must reference this article with appropriate citation, and you should include either a link to the article or a complete copy of the article in your final essay (not part of the required page count).

Respond to the following three prompts:

1. Give a summary (including citations) of the article you selected and include information on how the events in the articles show intolerance toward a group or individual. Who are the minority and majority groups in this article? How have the groups/groups in the article been part of systematic discrimination in the article or in the past? (1 page)

2. Take a stance on how well the article you selected demonstrates sympathy and empathy from the Bennett article we read. Use specific examples from both the article you selected and the Bennett article to make your claim. (1 - 2 pages) (It is also possible that the article shows neither sympathy nor empathy but you still need to give examples of why.)

3. Find at least 3 points of comparison between the textbook and the article you have selected. This means that you should find three things we have talked about from the text and show how the article demonstrates each of those 3 things (using examples from the article.) (1-2 pages)

Part B- Personal Growth (3 to 6 pages)

Respond to the following prompts:

1. In your opinion, what are the top three most useful pieces of information from this class that will promote intercultural competence and awareness? (1-2 pages)

2. Looking back at the memoir that you wrote during the first couple of weeks of class, does anything that you wrote there mean something different now? How would your memoir change after participating in this class?

If your memoir does not really change, then instead, answer:

What information have you learned during this class that will be useful for you and help you to adjust your behavior in the future to avoid expecting "foreigners" in your country or locals in a country you are visiting to behave the way you do? (1-2 pages)

3. Write a new memoir using the memoir you wrote at the beginning of the semester and add additional information that you have learned from the class or about yourself in terms of your culture and language. Include the cultural experiences that have helped you to become who you are today. (1-2 pages including the information you wrote at the beginning.)

Rubric for grading includes the following:

Part A:
- Does the writer have at least 3 points of comparison? Does each point of comparison define the term(s) used?
- Does each point of comparison give information from the book and from the article to justify the comparison?
- The writer makes a connection with the textbook.
- The paper demonstrates sympathy and empathy from the Bennett article we read. and uses specific examples.
- A summary is given (including citations) of the newspaper article you selected and includes information on how the events in the articles show intolerance toward a group or individual.
- The minority and majority groups in this article are clearly identified.
- It is stated in the paper if the groups/groups in the article have been part of systematic discrimination in the article or in the past?

Part B:
- Paper provides description of top three most useful pieces of information from this class that will promote intercultural competence and awareness.
- Paper includes information on things that might mean something different now including ideas that may have changed after participating in this class.

Reference no: EM131329091

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