Does the tool require programming language experience

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131516848

Some of the top data warehouse and business intelligence vendors include: IBM Microsoft Oracle SAP Tableau Software Keep in mind, these are just a few vendors.

There are many others available. Select 2 vendors and in a 2-3 page document, compare the following features:

Does the tool require programming language experience?

Is the tool considered to be user-friendly? Does the tool allow multiple and simultaneous data sources, such as MySQL, SQL, and Excel spreadsheets?

On a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the most expensive, how would you rate the cost of the tool?

Verified Expert

"This is a comparative description of two data warehouse and business intelligence solutions, Tableau and SAS. The paper covers brief discussions, the strengths, and weaknesses of both from the consumer perspectives"

Reference no: EM131516848

Questions Cloud

What does your interviewee teach and where : What does your interviewee teach and where? Trends and changes in nursing education as experienced by the person you interviewed
Determine the most appropriate data warehouse : Replication technology that captures changed data from source databases and sends only the changes to the target data warehouse.
Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables : Describe plan for data analysis for demographic variables and Describe plan for data analysis of study variables
Describe its patient information capture process : Choose a health care organization or provider with which you are familiar, and describe its patient information capture process
Does the tool require programming language experience : Is the tool considered to be user-friendly? Does the tool allow multiple and simultaneous data sources, such as MySQL, SQL, and Excel spreadsheets?
Description of a borrowed theory : A description of a borrowed theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this borrowed theory appropriate to your identified problem
What are the dimensions of the dispersion coefficient : What are the dimensions of the dispersion coefficient and what is the difference between a diffusion coefficient and a dispersion coefficient?
Write an essay on role of auditors : Describe their role in Enron Scandal. What are their responsibilities in order to prevent such situation.
Discuss mcgregors theory of work motivation : Discuss Maslow's theory and detail the criticisms that have been levelled against it. Discuss McGregor's theory of work motivation



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PL-SQL Programming Questions & Answers

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  Determine resonant frequency in series rlc resonant circuit

Given the series RLC resonant circuit in the figure, operating at variable frequency, determine: The resonant frequency ω o ,  The circuit’s quality factor Q , The cut-off frequencies, f 1  & f 2  and the bandwidth BW

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