Does the statement define a business domain

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Reference no: EM131879044


Mission statements vary widely from one company to another. One mission statement could be better than another. Using the Internet, find the mission statements of three different organizations, which can be business or not-for profit. (They can often be found via a link on a company's Web page )

In a complete 1-2 pages paper, write mission statements of three companies and then evaluate only the one which you find best among these 3 mission statements by answering the questions below:

1. Does the statement describe an inspiring purpose that avoids playing to the selfish interests of the stakeholders?

2. Mention the scope of the mission statement( Broad vs Narrow)

3. Does the statement describe the company's responsibility to its stakeholders?

4. Does the statement define a business domain and explain why it is attractive?

5. Does the statement describe the strategic positioning that the company prefers in a way that helps to identify the sort of competitive advantage it will look for?

6. Does the statement identify values that link with the organization's purpose and act as beliefs with which employees can feel proud?

7. Do the values resonate with and reinforce the organization's strategy?

8. Does the statement describe important behavior standards that serve as beacons of the strategy and the values?

9. Are the behavior standards described in a way that enables individual employees to judge whether they are behaving correctly?

10. Does the statement give a portrait of the company, capturing the culture of the organization?

11. Is the statement easy to read?

Provide all credible references cited in APA.

Reference no: EM131879044

Questions Cloud

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