Does the state force the hand of the federal government

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133540355

Question 1. Right now, residents of the State of Alaska receive annual payments from the state government related to oil drilling. The state realized that the residents had to give up some of their interests in order for the rest of us to get the gas we want/need. Should the federal government also pay the residents of Nevada in order to use this site?

Question 2. The local government by the test site need to be involved in the ultimate decision, but what about the other numerous local governments that sit between Yucca Mountain and the point of origin? Would they also all have to agree to allow the waste to be transported through their jurisdiction?

Question 3. Does the State "force the hand" of the federal government? For instance, several States allowed same-sex marriage before the Supreme Court legalized it. Similarly, recreational marijuana is now legal in several States, but still illegal under federal law. Should the federal government step in and create legislation or should they let the States do what is acceptable for each State?

Reference no: EM133540355

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