Reference no: EM132092159
Financial Policy
You are to select a physician or hospital of your choice and review their financial policy on their website. The policy may be listed in a variety of ways (e.g. billing options, financial policy, etc.).
Post a brief summary of your findings addressing the following:
1) Is the financial policy easily accessible? If not, what improvements can be made.
2) Does the policy explain how payment of services are to be made & collected (e.g. form of payment, copays, deductibles, etc.)?
3) Was there information about financial support services for uninsured patients
a. If not, should there be?
b. If there are, what was being offered to the patient?
4) Does the site provide a glossary of terms to assist the patient in understanding what’s expected?
a. If not, should they?
5) Summarize other details about the policy (e.g. plans accepted, financial counseling services, etc.).
6) Does the site reference the Affordable Care Act?
Please include the website address of the facility or provider. Also, please explain how the C (Caring) in the "PRICE of Success" can be used when it comes to finanical policies and procedures to assist uninsured or low income patients.