Does the reason for leaving the company

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13192829

Oracle has many features for managing and tracking users. We have discussed user accounts with username, password, profiles, roles, and privileges. There are also auditing commands that enable the system to monitor and record activities of one user or all users. Yet, the create user statement has no way to associate a person with an Oracle user name. How do you recommend that this association be created? Be specific and explain the reasons for your recommendation.

Account Termination Policy. Suppose an employee leaves a company because he or she resigns, retires, takes a leave of absence, is laid off or fired. The company needs to have a policy and process for dealing with that employee's database access. What is your recommendation for this policy and process? Does the reason for leaving the company affect the recommendation? Why or why not? Be specific and explain your reasoning.

Reference no: EM13192829

Questions Cloud

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Does the reason for leaving the company : What is your recommendation for this policy and process? Does the reason for leaving the company affect the recommendation? Why or why not? Be specific and explain your reasoning.
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