Does the piece reflect your distinct voice

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131473870

This is an entry papwer for my project. please answer only about my project and feel free to make up anything you want.

please follow the points below :

entry should consider the following information:

New Information: What material was presented in this milestone's objectives or discussion that was new information to you and how will it help you?

Problems: As you were completing your milestone objectives what problems did you experience? Were any issues left unresolved? This area can be used to note issues with media development, technical (hardware or software) issues you encounter while working on your project, or even differences in the opinions of your classmates.

Project: Use this thread of your journal to note questions, brainstorming opportunities for individual ideas, thoughts on the process, media, content, context, historical significance and personal insight, successes, and/or failures that have occurred during the milestone.
Project Description & Objectives: How does the project relate to the assignment objectives? How? Why? Why not?

Desired Attitude: Will the work produce the desired attitude? Will it communicate the appropriate message? When you look at the piece do you feel your work has successfully moved your audience in the direction intended? How? Why? Why not?

Personal Voice: Does the piece reflect your distinct voice? How is it uniquely yours?

Originality: Is the work original? How is it different than what you've seen before? How is it the same?

Media: Does the media suit the content, scope, etc. of the project? What might work better? Where do you see potential problems?

There isn't a word count requirement for this journal. Some milestones will be longer or shorter than others. Reflecting on and assessing your work constantly should become a habit and your ability to describe the process involved and how you solved each design problem should become second nature for you. By recording your thoughts and experiences here, you will be prompted to enter that mindset and will be better prepared for articulating your abilities with a prospective employer.

Attachment:- my_multimidia_project_0.rar

Reference no: EM131473870

Questions Cloud

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Consider the prevailing conditions for inflation : Consider the prevailing conditions for inflation (including oil prices), the economy, interest rates, and any other factors that could affect exchange rates.
How many people in the us have dog : How many people in the U.S have dog, and the estimated demand for dog walkers gallup statistics. In us around 44% of the population own dogs and 29% own cats.
Compared to the fdx call option above : Compared to the FDX call option above with another FDX call option with an exercise price of $190 and a premium of $1. What might an investor who prefers.
Derive the ohio law : FACTS Roy Mercurio drove his Nissan Altima into a tree at a speed of between 30 and 40 miles per hour. At the time, his blood alcohol content was at least.


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