Reference no: EM133238175
Assignment - Cybersecurity Violations Essay
Description - In this discussion, you have a chance to receive and give feedback about the final paper that will be in your portfolio. Posting your draft by mid-week will help ensure you get more feedback.
Part 1 Essay Draft - Post a draft of your final project essay for others to review. Please put your thesis statement in bold. Include at least one in-text citation and one Works Cited or References entry. Make your essay as complete as you can in order to get the best feedback possible. Be sure to follow the detailed assignment instructions and check out the sample. Use the template provided.
Responding to Others
These questions can help you as you respond to others. They can also help you edit your own draft.
1. Does the piece meet the requirements of the assignment?
2. Is the thesis statement one concise sentence? (It should not be a question.)
3. Does the introduction provide a good gateway into the paper?
4. Does the conclusion provide a satisfying sense of closure?
5. Do the supporting details of each paragraph support that particular topic sentence? Are there any sentences that do not belong?
6. Did the author use transitions? Can you suggest transition words that would work well in this essay?
7. Did the author use third person only and avoid first and second person?
8. Do you see words that have negative connotations or that create logical fallacies (such as using the phrase "No one will accept the idea that...")?
9. Do you see grammatical or mechanical issues that distract from the writer's ideas?
10. Did the author use signal phrases for quotes and in-text citations for quotes and paraphrases within the essay? Do you see any other problems with their MLA or APA usage?