Does the item support or contradict your arguments

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132971732

Evaluating the relevance, value and sufficiency of literature

Visit an online database or your university library and obtain a copy of an article that you think will be of use to an assignment you are both currently working on. The topic chosen is "The role of leadership, HRM and culture in vitalizing management systems in firms".


- How recent is the item?
- Is the item likely to have been superseded?
- Are the research questions or objectives sufficiently close to your own to make it relevant to your own research (in other words, does the item meet your relevance criteria for inclusion)?
- Is the context sufficiently different to make it marginal to your research question(s) and objectives (in other words, is the item excluded by your relevance criteria)?
- Have you seen references to this item (or its author) in other items that were useful?
- Does the item support or contradict your arguments? For either it will probably be worth reading!


- Has the item been subject to a reviewing process prior to publication?
- Does the item appear to be biased? For example, does it use an illogical argument, emotionally toned words or appear to choose only those cases that support the point being made? Even if it is, it may still be relevant to your critical review!
- What are the methodological omissions within the work (e.g. sample selection, data collection, data analysis)? Even if there are many it still may be of relevance!
- Is the precision sufficient? Even if it is imprecise it may be the only item you can find and so still of relevance!
- Does the item provide guidance for future research?


- As I read new items, do I recognise the authors and the ideas from other items I have already read?
- Have I read the work by those acknowledged by others as key researchers in my research area?
- Can I critically discuss the academic context of my research with confidence?
- Have I read sufficient items to satisfy the assessment criteria for my project report?

Attachment:- sufficiency of literature.rar

Reference no: EM132971732

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