Reference no: EM133430202
Case Study Having self discipline is a common form of action that most individuals have. Waking up early in the morning and getting to work on time, along with arriving early is barely scratching the surface of the topic that I will be getting into it. It is more than just an action but a mentality. Sometimes pushing yourself to be and do better takes certain life lessons and a growth in mindset to restart your own standards and expectations.
Life has many unexpected lessons for all of us. Many individuals may have yet to go through hardships or realizations, as for me, that realization of taking control of my life and being self disciplined started three years ago. When there is a lack of confidence there is a lack of drive, which leads to poor decisions. When I was nineteen, I no longer wanted to be in a certain career field. I had to basically switch my whole life around, change is never easy if you're not in the right mind set. I was insecure, depressed, and I did not have the emotional maturity to complete any goals or have a positive vision of my future. After giving myself the time sulk and accepting the way I had felt, I started to come up with small steps to begin my journey and be where I needed to be. Such as, finding a job even if it wasn't the fanciest. I also had to save money and be super strict on budgeting because I was helping with bills. I also needed to buy myself a car because I was getting rides from my family, and I needed to start being independent and more considerate. By doing so, I had to not only give myself pep talks, but to do the work. This is where the simple act of discipline comes in. Putting goals into action will get you so far, and that motivation will come.
Being able to have drive and motivation will get you to places that you didn't think you could be at. As common as this is, but getting up early and going to the gym or even going out for walks will make you feel so much more at peace with yourself. When peace is developed, your willingness to stick to that routine becomes healthy discipline. In my experience with gym motivation, I had to learn that I was doing it for myself and myself only. It did take some time to figure out how to fit my physical routine into my day-to-day life, and figuring out the right diet for yourself takes patience. Having patience and consistency is key to getting to your goals. I go to the gym to be healthy, not to impress others or post for social media. It comes down to having respect for yourself, and when you feel like you have respect, you start to take care of yourself more each day. Being consistent about fitness shows that you're willing to work hard and reach your health goals.
Learning how to eliminate bad habits can vary and be difficult for most, but its very common. Bad habits can come down to eating habits, smoking, or even spending too much time on social media. As for me, I had my fair share of spending an excessive amount of time on social media. Now, I will honestly say that I have done a lot better at cutting my time from Instagram or Tik Tok. I noticed that not only is it physically terrible for your eyesight but for your mental health. Poor mental health really affects your daily life routines and the way you think about yourself and those around you. You lay around glued to the phone and overthink about the things you read, and it can consume you. I found that I would procrastinate my chores around the house or even tasks I had to get down outside of home felt like I had lack or responsibility. Unfortunately, my younger brother is a great example of being absolutely obsessed with video gaming and streaming. Although playing video games is quite fun, he is not getting things done around the house or rushes his homework assignments. These are bad habits that he continues to have, and it works for him because he hasn't learned his lesson and has a lack of discipline. What worked for me in order to quit those habits I developed was to physically set my phone away. I learned to spend more time with myself and do things that made me happy such as taking my dog on walks, going for bike cycling classes and just getting into to the routine of having set chores to do around the house, so none of my other family members would feel overwhelmed about having to them later. Building a routine to better yourself as a person will set you up for less stress and a successful mental health journey. Learning to recognize bad habits will lead you into the direction as to why you do what you do and what you can do better to slowly cut it off completely. If you go "cold turkey" it will only, have you repeat the same issue repeatedly.
Lastly, It is only right to say that not everyone is perfect, or is forced to be perfect, but it takes a lot of mental strength to get to where you want to be. Sometimes people have to go through difficult times in their lives in order to wake up and become the individual that they are meant to be in this life. It is important to remember that you are doing this for yourself, because at the end of the day you only have yourself and being disciplined is not a bad thing, but a positive one. And this type of motivation will not only teach you things but you are able to teach others so they can be great as well.
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