Reference no: EM131016616
Develop Interface Assignment
Introduction: In this assignment you will be given a database and will create a user interface for it using the best practices that you have learned in the course. In industry designing and building a user interface takes months or even years to complete. We don't have that kind of time, so we'll only create a very small interface.
There are many different technologies that can be used to create a user interface, but we can think of them in four general categories: text, desktop, mobile and web. Each category has numerous technologies and languages for building user interface.
In our assignment we are going to use Java Swing to build a user interface. This was selected because Java is a language used in Software Engineering and Swing is one of the easier interfaces to use.
This application will also be using the Model-View-Controller design pattern, which you will learn about in upcoming modules. You will be given the Model and Controller. You will create the View and connect the 3 parts together. Watch the Model-View-Controller design pattern on YouTube.
There are two parts to the assignment:
The first part is to just design a user interface (Interface Paper Prototype). You are free to design the interface using any tools that you would like to. Submit the design as a Word document. This design must have surrounding text (not just screen shots) explain how the screens work and navigation. Enough information should be provided so that another developer could program this interface. For this part of the assignment design the interface for the entire database.
The second part is to code the design (the best you can) in Java Swing. We will not have time to code that entire application, so focus in on the interfaces that the Product and Manufacturer tables. Your finished product should have a few working screens.
Your interface design will be graded on the following areas:
Does the design include screens for the entire database?
Does the design follow best practices?
Is the design detailed enough that it could be coded?
Is the design intuitive?
Your application will be graded on the following areas:
Do the screens confirm to the design?
Do the screens perform simple insert, update, select and delete capabilities?
Do the screens perform higher level functionality like data validation?
Are at least the minimum numbers of screens included?
Assignment's Model and Controller
How to use the Model and Controller (Part 1 and 2)