Reference no: EM131586201
Assignment: Country of Choice Current Economic Situation
Length: The guideline is 2 pages, double-spaced (Times Roman 12 font with standard 1" margins). Must use APA. Sample APA paper and How to Write a Short Paper found in Course Information.
Introduction: This paper gives you an opportunity to evaluate your country you have chosen in Week 1. Please continue to analyze your country of choice add more "meat" to the discussion about your country of choice. Please consider your country of choice, challenges, and political, social, cultural and agricultural challenges? Analyze the long-term economic position and strategy as well as obstacles. Think about how your country of choice affects the world economy, how and why.
You will post in the Week 1 Discussion Thread requesting your country of choice. If two students request the same country, the assignment will be made on a first-come-first-served basis. The instructor will assign the alternative country in this situation. The students will immerse themselves in textbooks, online research, newspapers and periodicals, etc. focused on economics and business. It is helpful to also "experience" the culture beyond the numbers and facts - more about the impact of economic issues on the humanity of the country. The following are some of the countries that will be considered for "adoption" by class participants. This list is subject to change.
• Algeria
• Argentina
• Australia
• Brazil
• Cambodia
• Canada
• China
• Columbia
• Denmark
• England
• Estonia
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Guatemala
• Hungry
• India
• Ireland
• Israel
• Italy
• Japan
• Korea
• Malaysia
• Mexico
• Myanmar
• New Zealand
• Norway
• Pakistan
• Poland
• Saudi Arabia
• South Africa
• South Korea
• Spain
• Sudan
• Thailand
• The Philippines
• Vietnam
First, take the initial findings from week one and add more "meat" to the discussion. Your paper can answer the following questions:
• What are the country's biggest challenges?
• What factors impacted the country's economic development the most? Political? Social? Cultural? Agricultural?
• What is your country's economic vision long-term? Does it have one? If not, why not?
• Determine if this country is positioned to sustain economic growth over the next five years.
• What economic challenges will the country likely face during the next five years in attempting to accomplish its long-term strategy?
• What is the root causes of the current economic situation?
• What are the main obstacles standing in the way of the country's achieving its long-term strategy?
Use at least three references from your text, the videos, relevant websites, Wall Street Journal, etc. Be sure you have an introduction, an analysis and a conclusion. The following describes how this paper will be graded. The questions and comments below are designed for you to read and consider before turning in your work.
Does the introduction explain what the paper is about? Does it give a quick overview of the purpose of the paper, and what you are attempting to share in your findings?
Does the paper have three to five main points that are supported by references in the text with page numbers of analyzing the answers to the questions above?
Do the analyses connect to your introduction and conclusion and the "heart of your hypothesis?"
Conclusion Is the conclusion a clear and concise recap of the analysis?
The conclusion cannot bring in any new ideas!
Does the conclusion tie into the first two or three sentences in thought?
Process, Punctuation and Grammar Are all of the words spelled correctly? Are the correct words used?
Is the wording smooth to read? Is proper grammar used?
Does the paper follow APA Guidelines? Is the paper interesting?