Does the author note their criteria for evaluation

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13258335

This is about arguments of evaluation and the importance of criteria. For this discussion, locate an argument of evaluation (tip: reviews of movies, books, public policy, music, restaurants, and other products are almost always evaluation arguments).

Discussion post:

Post the link or attach a file of the argument.

What is the argument?

Does the author note theircriteriafor evaluation (explicitly or implicitly)? What criteria can you identify or assume?

Did you find the criteria effective? What else do you want to know about the standards for this evaluation?

Reference no: EM13258335

Questions Cloud

What is the steady-state concentration : A simple way to model air pollution over a city is with a box model that assumes complete mixing and limited capability for the pollution to disperse horizontally or vertically except in the direction of the prevailing winds.
Compute the ground-state energy : The period of a macroscopic pendulum made with a mass of 10 g suspended from a massless string 50 cm long is 1.42 s.  Compute the ground-state (zero-point) energy
What will you owe the bank : If the home appreciates at 1%, how old will you be before your loan balance exceeds the value of the home?
The number of random numbers it takes before a number : Write a sequence of sentences that use the random generator command rand to determine: (a) The number of random numbers it takes to add up to 20 (or more).
Does the author note their criteria for evaluation : Does the author note their criteria for evaluation (explicitly or implicitly) and did you find the criteria effective? What else do you want to know about the standards for this evaluation?
What amount of units be sold to realize operating income : If fixed costs are $600,000 and the selling price per unit is$160 and the variable cost per unit is $60, what amount of units must be sold in order to realize an operating income of $200,000?
Different ways to convert from accrual to cash accounting : What are some different ways to convert from accrual to cash accounting?
Net operating income of accepting the special order : Determine the effect on the company's total net operating income of accepting the special order. Show your work.
What is the inductance per meter for the solenoid : A solenoid is wound with a single layer of insulated copper wire (of diameter 2.6 mm), What is the inductance per meter for the solenoid near its center


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