Does the author do to establish ethos

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133236658

I thought when you went to a hospital, they were supposed to ease your pain, not make it worse. When I was barely a year old, I suffered a very severe 3rd degree burn to my right hand due to a stove being left on. Of course, I was rushed to a hospital and taken to the burn unit but, the greatest pain did not come from the burn or the thought of me not being able to ever use my hand normally again. It came from the thousands of dollars spent trying to correct it. The American healthcare system needs some type of reform because of the growing population of the United States, and how many injuries that come with it.

When you are young, you do not think that anything bad can actually happen to you. You feel as if there is nothing that could go wrong, you feel almost invincible. Until something bad actually does happen to you. I unfortunately learned this the hard way. After I had placed my hand on the stove, after all the pain and the burning sensation, I ended up in a hospital. As you know, hospitals are there to help and they'll do anything that is in their power to do so. They treated the burn as the usual severe burn, they cleaned it, tried to cool it off, and gave me antibiotics. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to stop the tightening of skin and tendon, and I lost most function in my right hand. I couldn't stretch out my fingers at all. After that initial visit, my parents were devastated, when a child goes through something like that, you don't think of the cost. You think about "how can I help my child get through this?". So of course, they did everything they could to try and help me. No matter the cost. But this was not just a one-time thing. This injury would cause doctor trips throughout the span of my entire life so far. Even with insurance, this would cost thousands of dollars. Although I do not fully remember the events of the day when I was burned, I still live with its aftereffects.

Surgical procedures were not the only thing that I needed to even start getting on track to regain motion, I needed to go to physical therapy. Which had added even more costs on top of all the medical supplies that I needed to keep my hand straighten out, for example a splint would be placed on my hand to try and stretch out my fingers each night as I slept. On top of the daily fees of all the medical supplies that I needed, all the doctor's trips, and all the physical therapy appointments I had, it all started adding up. My parents had already spent so much money on trying to correct my hand that they did not even take into account what most parents do whenever they have a child going to school. The common cold, or the flu, or any type of virus or illness that a kid can catch if they go to school. I went to public school and I remember that I did catch a lot of colds, I even got pneumonia from being outside in the cold too long. Of course, doctors would prescribe medicine for me to get better but once again. This is not without its costs. Even though insurance covers most medicine, there would still be a copay. And when you are constantly getting sick and always need some type of medicine, copays add up.

At this point this essay might just seem like a sob story to get you to pity me, which it really is not. I want people who read this essay to be aware that something like this can happen to anybody. Something can happen at a moments notice, so quick that you do not even realize what is really happening until it is too late. Now, you may think that you are careful enough doing anything that could be remotely dangerous, or that if something does happen it does not really matter because your insurance will cover it. But it does. It does matter because sometimes these conditions do not always go away. Sometimes you have to live with them for the rest of your life and you have to deal with it. With the cost of things going up lately, medicine could become unobtainable unless you have a small fortune. And to some right now, it is already unobtainable. Next time when you drive, or when you cook, or even when you are at work. If you do something that even has a small possibility of backfiring on you or harming you in some way. I want you to be careful. Even the smallest thing could cost thousands, even millions of dollars and at this point insurance can not help you. As college students we already are paying our tuition and most of us are pulling out student loans. We do not have the time or money to be visiting a hospital. This is why I urge you to be careful no matter what you do. After all, these insurance companies are not thinking of what is best for you. They are thinking of what is best for their company.

Write the paper's thesis

What, if anything, does the author do to establish ethos? If so, point those out and explain how they affect the author's ethos.

What if anything does the author do to appeal to pathos? Does this appeal to pathos work given the topic and the intended audience of the paper?

What if anything does the author do to illustrate the timeliness of the topic? Did you find this appeal to Kairos to be effective given the topic and the intended audience? Why or why not?

What if anything does the author do to address an outside perspective? Did you find this approach effective? Why or why not?

How well does this paper meet the genre expectations of a narrative argument? Is there anything the paper does that does not line up with these expectations? Is there anything the paper could do to better meet the genre expectations?

What is the single best thing about his draft? Why

If the author was only allowed to make one change to their paper, what would be the one change they could make that would most improve their work? Why?

Reference no: EM133236658

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