Does the ama statement of ethics address this issue

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706650

One source of new-product ideas is competitors. Steven Fischer recently joined Frankie and Alex Specialty Products as a brand manager.

His new boss told him, "We don't have a budget for new-product development.

We just monitor our competitors' new-product introductions and offer knockoffs of any that look like they will be successful." Is this practice ethical?

Does the AMA Statement of Ethics address this issue? Go to the American Marketing Association's website

and review the statement. Then discuss what the AMA Statement of Ethics contains that relates to knock-off products.

Must be 350 words min with 3 scholarly sources APA style references- no plagarism.

Reference no: EM131706650

Questions Cloud

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What is the project net present value : What is the project's net present value? Is it a good idea to adopt the project? Why or why not?
Does the ama statement of ethics address this issue : We just monitor our competitors' new-product introductions and offer knockoffs of any that look like they will be successful." Is this practice ethical?
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Define eyewitnesses through the impeachment methods : the prosecutor or defense attorney to discredit the testimony of eyewitnesses through the impeachment methods
What role does a complete and current job description play : What role does a complete and current job description play in HRM? Describe at least three important uses of complete and current job descriptions.


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